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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jump The Shark - Staring Death

I won't be reviewing this album in my normal way, it's not even much of a review really.
This album is incredible and this band was incredible.
I saw them on tour with Call To Preserve and had never heard of them before.
I think I was 16 and this album hadn't even come out yet.
I remember being amazed by them.
They were, hands down, the best hardcore band I had ever seen.
I waited for them to put their equipment away and then immediately went up to them and bought their 4-song demo and their limited edition summer tour t-shirt.
I think it was $11 for both.
To this day, that's still my favorite shirt.
I wear it so much that it even has permanent sweat stains on it.
The only hardcore band to even compete with the greatness of this band is Ceremony.
If you like hardcore YOU NEED THIS ALBUM.
They broke up in '08 and doubt they still make any money of this album so I'll provide a download link.
You'll need winRAR to download it.
Even still, I'd recommend downloading it off of Dead Truth Recordings website.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Get Rad - Say Fuck No To Rules, Man

This album is pretty cool.
I like how the album tit(le) has "fuck" in it.
It shows how punk rock they are.
This band likes BMX and all that crazy punk shit that I'm not cool enough to do.

But enough with this crazy technobabble.
You want to read about the album, right?
Well you don't have a choice.
By now I've had your face quite literally glued to the screen.
Anyway, this album has songs about...stuff.
I don't know exactly what the songs are about because they yell a lot and yelling scares me so we'll just pretend they're about rape.
This band flawlessly mixes hardcore, thrash and contemporary christian music.
It's really good.
In fact, I think I'll buy another copy.
Mmmm, even better the second time.
But anyway, I think I'll give this album a 3 and 1/2 of 5, but only because I'm not as into hardcore as I used to be.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Godzilla '98

Size does matter?
Really, creators of Independence Day?
For shame.

According to this movie Godzilla's a woman.
Needless to say, my entire childhood was ruined.
Besides me never having a Super Nintendo this was the worst thing that could have ever happened.
BUT WAIT, it gets worse.
This crazy PMSing whore mouth has velociraptor babies.

I need to finish this soon before it starts to sound like a not-too-incredibly-shitty review.
Keep your dicks out of Godzilla's asshole America.
He belongs in Japan (or Brazil or someplace weird) and he is a man.
He eats steak, gets drunk and blows shit up.
Half a star out of 5.
And that's being nice.

Movie: Godzilla Vs. Cosmic Monster

This movie is cool.
If you watch this in English (like me) then it's funny because their words don't match their lips and it is silly.
It looks like Godzilla has been eating too many donuts.
Just look at his fucking hips.
He looks like the girl I went home with the other day.
Minus 1 star.
But seriously, 4 out of 5 stars.